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A Well Balanced Meal
This fund contains projects that concentrate on human health and welfare, with a special focus on the health care industry. The fund managers are actively seeking projects that highlight adequate healthcare as a basic human right.
To discuss or help with a project, click on its NAME button.
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Contribute work, funds or ideas to project APPL health
US$200 workers
"Alter many boxes of 'Apple Jacks' and other children's cereals so that they read 'Rectal Puckers', etc.--to comment on the absurdity of implicit content claims. The boxes must be nearly indistinguishable from the unaltered item, and the media must report on it extensively."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project CIGS health
US$120 workers
"Devise coupon stickers for free packs of cigarettes and glue them onto boxes of children's cereal (and other products) manufactured by tobacco companies. Do this in such a way as to obtain wide coverage in the media for the fact that some tobacco companies are also trying to sell to children noxious or unhealthy products other than cigarettes." (Click here for one design example.)
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project FAF2 health
0 workers
"Place plastic figurines or Beanie Babies of slaughtered cows in Happy Meals. Could highlight the problems surrounding genetically altered foods: perhaps the toys could be two-headed cattle or mutated calves."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project NOMO health
0 workers
"Attend the opening of an art exhibition funded by Phillip Morris, or any tobacco giant. Wear formal attire and a nametag identifying you as a company promotions rep. Distribute cigarettes. This can either be done wholesale, by handing out entire packs, or by circulating with a silver tray of loose cigarettes and a zippo."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project HOSP health
0 workers
"Set up a website, or brochures purporting to advertise a corporate hospital, specifically to treat patients affected by ailments caused by said corporations. (For example, the McDonalds Ward for BSE)."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project LOON health
0 workers
"Produce a documentary linking the increasingly harsh realities of the American workplace and economy to the rise in mental illness within the American population. Perhaps compare with European rates; perhaps also discuss 'official' corporate solutions--Prozac etc.--within this context. Film must be scheduled as part of a major regional film festival."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project TOXC health
0 workers
"Taint cereal boxes by inserting 'Danger! Radioactive!' caution tape and a warning to contact the EPA to determine if the cereal was grown with 'fertilizer originating from the Lowry Superfund site in Colorado.' The consumer is also instructed to report the tainted cereal to CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. (Colorado will have the distinction of growing crops in its own radionucleide-tainted 'bio-solids' from the Lowry Bombing Range Superfund site very soon.)"
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project MENT health
0 workers
"We would like to use domains like and to protest the profiteering of the mental health industry, and to reveal the damaging trauma often caused by the treatment itself. We are especially interested in emphasizing the social and family violence precursors to mental illness, and in protesting diagnosis of problems in living--or even bad behavior--as brain diseases that need commercial treatment."
Contribute work, funds or ideas to project SLGH health
US$750 workers
"Substitute copies of a video documenting slaughterhouse techniques or similar material for a porn video produced by any of the largest porn studios, especially those that don't follow safe-sex guidelines. Alternately, intersperse clips of such a video in the product. Other alterations may be considered as well."
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